Survivor's Ed

How to NOT die first in DEEP BLUE SEA

2 Blacks and a Mexican Season 1 Episode 5

Renny Harlan's Deep Blue Sea takes the underwater horror film to a new level, with an over-the-top premise, a great cast, and some legitimately incredible set pieces. It also features a VERY memorable scene with Samuel L. Jackson and an LL Cool J that loves God and has a parrot. This movie has it all. Andres "Ace" Cabrera from First Cut joins us for the deepest and bluest of conversations. 


That's the most unrealistic part of this of the movie is the idea of Swimming. Swimming away from these super speedy, super smart sharks.


It's not happening.


He was juking on sharks, like, oo oo like whoa bro you know like. That shark would've been like, "The fuck you doin'?" like, "The fuck this dude tryna do?"


Alright Welcome to Survivors Ed. I'm Chris.


I'm Tawny


I'm Miles


And we are Two Blacks and a Mexican here with a special guest. Ace Cabrera.


What's up, man?


Ace you wanna introduce yourself from First Cut?


Yeah, what's up guys, I'm Andreas, uh, from First Cut. I have a YouTube channel where we talk about movies, we talk about TV shows, I'm doing an anime thing now. Yeah, man, I'm super pumped to be here, man.


I'm excited to have you man. This is...




Ace has thrown one of the best movies for this show at this show. And we're super excited to talk about it. This show is all about horror movies, and essentially, an examination of the horror movies that we love. And an examination of how our people of color do in those movies. We often will examine a movie from head to toe and then throw out a rule for survival that we learned from watching the movie, and that you should learn from watching that movie. And this week, I'm super excited because this week my head is like a shark's fin.


Aw man


I've been wearing hats on this show for weeks. All in anticipation of...


That shit is stuck in my head.




Like I'm driving and I'm,"Oh, my head is like a shark's fin" and I'm like, What is wrong with me?


That's the thing! It's an earworm. This week, we're talking about "Deep Blue Sea", the 1999 movie directed by Renny Harlin, who- starring LL Cool J. Who I name first... I don't know why I named him first. Thomas Jane, Samuel L. Jackson.


Stellan Skarsgard.


Stellan Skarsgard, yeah, like a really actually amazing cast.


Yes it is.


And this movie is it's a shark tale. It's a movie about a weirdly serious kind of inciting element in that it's about trying to cure Alzheimer's and a degenerative brain disease, and turns into smart killer sharks eating people. And that's pretty much the basis of the story, right? Did I miss anything?


That's pretty- I mean, I just I was just, yeah, I was reflecting like, it's just another one of those like, humans don't know what the fuck they're doing. Like we're clever. And we can solve problems in the moment. But we're not very good at, you know, really kind of putting out feelers and thinking about the long term consequences of fucking with sharks. And


Specifically, sharks.


Making them really smart. Yeah, the most efficient killing machine that ever evolved on earth let's make them real smart.


And they should just like stop tryna cure Alzheimer's and movies cuz ain't this the same thing that started in "Planet of the Apes" like the new shit whe they try to cure Alzheimer's




Wasn't it the same things like, Yo, just- just




Just let people lose they memories, man. Cuz every time y'all try to do this shit, animals take over like, you did the same thing when, like apes took over the other time the sharks took over this time. Stop fucking with Alzheimer's, man leave- leave that shit alone, like. Let it- let it- let it, you know, let it do its thing, man.


Oh my gosh. Well, because you're the guests as I'm gonna ask you first like what what made you choose this movie? What is the situation with "Deep Blue Sea"?


I mean, I kind of told you guys beforehand, when it comes to like people of color- people of color surviving a film, there's only so much you can choose. And I didn't want to go with my favorite, like, movie over the past 10 years, which is"Get Out" 'cause that's a little bit more serious, a little bit more darker. I wanted to go a little bit more fun. "Deep Blue Sea" always stood out to me because a person of color did survive, because it was LL Cool J, and because he has, like, several badass moments in this movie that stood out to me as a kid because I watched this movie. I think it's 1999, I saw this as a kid. And I saw this because my- my brother and my family we were obsessed with like, well, he was obsessed with horror movies, specifically,,ike, "Jaws" and this was supposed to be, like, the, you know, the"Jaws Extra", "Extra Jaws",


The new "Jaws"


The new "Jaws", and so he remember us watching this movie and I believe, check this out. This is- This is nuts. I think this was the first R rated movie I've ever seen. This was the first one!


Deep Blue Sea"!


It's perfect, yeah.


'Causez it was- because we had to- I remember my brother and I had to beg our parents or ask our parents to let us watch this film because it was rated R and we were like, it's rated R because it's sharks eating people. It's not nothing crazy.


It does. As if that made it better. But


Yeah, It does! Exactly!


he sex car's always arder to sell.


Yeah! Yup. And it's- it's one of those things where we watched it together and we obviously got a, you know, I got- I got scared as a kid because I'm definitely afraid to sharks, I'm still deathly afraid of sharks. We were swimmers as a kid too. So we- we I- I personally would always imagine like a shark chasing me as I swim. It would terrified me. But yeah, I remember it mainly because LL Cool. J and because it was my first R rated movie. So


LL Cool J, He shines in this movie. But before but I want to comment on the R rating because like, it's- it earns that rating, for sure. There's a moment though later in the movie where I start to, you know, like you how you go back and look at movies. And there's, there's like levels to movie blood in terms of, like, your movie blood qualities. And there's a moment at the end of the movie through most of the movie. The blood is like, pretty legit, like in terms of you know, what we're getting, but there's a moment right at the end where I kind of laugh because it's when... What's her name? Susan, the doctor?




Aw yeah.


Who I- Who I can't stand. She cuts herself to lure the shark. And the blood that comes out looks like jelly. I was like, Well, what happened?


I was thinking of Miles. Because I I remember when he said,"What?


She did that open palm cut like.


Oh my gosh!


I ain't doin that like I'm not gonna cut myself open. Like, that's not- that's not gonna happen."


Stop injuring your hand! What's wrong with you! Like, don't injure your hand on purpose, like.


But let me ask you a question about that scene 'cause


Because of science. Because science. I was just watching it again. Why don't you take her clothes off? Can someone explain this to me? I don't- I don't- there's gotta be a reason.


I know there has to be because my son- I was watching it- I was watching it with my son and he's like wash taking her clothes off. I was like, I don't know. There's something there's- I don't know something about conductivity? I mean,


I don't know but as a kid, I enjoyed that scene like. greatly, So I didn't really ask too many questions.


Yeah, can I echo Miles too? Like, all together? That was a very specific moment for me where I was like, Oh, okay.


Yup. Yup.




This is a good movie.


Alright, so I think- okay, so I sat and pondered on that scene for, like, a while. Like, a weird amount of time. And I didn't, and I- and I- and I actively, like refuse to Google why. Because I was like, okay, the logic of the movie should tell me why she took her clothes off.




I think there's something said earlier in the movie about the suits, and it's done. I think she stood on the suit because when she threw the thing in the shark's mouth, the electric current somehow.


Oh, it's like rubber? Was it like a rubber?


Yeah maybe.


It was a rubber suit.


And so it would keep- it would keep her from getting electrocuted, but... also! But also- but also boobs.


Also T&A.




Except for the fact that, and I think, what did you say you don't like her? What is it about this actress, like, and she's gorgeous and I'll, like, I would never deny that but I have a personal grudge against her because of the movie "Circle of Friends", if you've ever seen that, when she steals Chris O'Donnell from Minnie Driver, so go watch that movie.


I haven not seen that.


I haven't see that.


I- I'm never gonna I'm never gonna be able to like that actress because of that.


The only thing that I remember her from is "Troy", like, she was the...


Oh yeah!


Oh! Is she Hector's wife?




Oh okay. I haven't seen that shit in years.


She didn't really have too many lines, I feel like, in that movie, so.


Yeah. I think she's Irish. 'Cause, well, in "Circle of Friends"-"Circle of Friends" is, I think it's an Irish movie. I don't, but yeah, she's definitely Irish in that. She was awful!


Well, I hated her in this, I'll be honest, like, I just... I'll just- I'll just jump to it. Like I had a hard time with her. Like I I liked every I think I liked every character in this movie except her. And I don't think, you know, it was weird because like, you know how most movies that the big rich guys, You're not supposed to like them?




And I loved Samuel Jackson.


Fascinating move.


I was like, he's great. And I think I don't think I'm supposed to have a problem with him, like.




I couldn't tell for sure, like, everyone hated him. And I


I mean it is Samuel Jackson, though, like to us, so was just like...


Yeah, maybe


I felt like I didn't really I guess I understood like their like gripe with him specifically LL Cool J didn't like him like in


Yeah he went hard after him.




Yeah he went in on him like for no reason, like.


Yeah, for no reason!


I feel like like the reason he went after him was like- like a real reason outside of the movie 'cause he had no reason- like, when Samuel Jackson said he didn't like working with rappers he was like, "Oh alright. Okay." He was gon' like, get a shot in or something like 'cause I don't even really understand his issue with him in this movie.


That was weird.


I mean, there's it. Ah, that's a layered question at a later point, because it's one of those things where the whole premise of this of this podcast, of this show for you guys,'cause it's like, why does LL Cool J survive? I have theories, right? Where it's like one of them is 'cause he he's the one who has faith. He believes in God. So that automatically makes him survive. But the other one is the whole like working man thing, where he's like,




You know, he's like a blu collar guy. And Samuel Jac


Mhm son's the rich guy. He's the whi e collar guy.


True, true.


I think that has something to do with it. But it's still kind of weird. where it's like, you hate him because he's the the- the white collar guy?






It's so weird.


Like, aggressively hate him.


And it- It's so weird. It's like I was- I was writing notes. I was like, This script has so many like weird moments in it. And I was reading a little bit. And it's like, apparently, they wanted Samuel Jackson for that LL Cool J role. And his agent was like, "No,"We don't want him to be that chef." So they like made


Really? him into this other character, which is like, he doesn't fit like, he's, he's a black guy, which like, we're typically not like, that's not the man. And there's a fucking scene where he's like,"Yeah, I'm the man" and I'm like, this is weird. Like, what's going on? Here with this archetype like they're just, and then you got you throw LL in there with his fucking parrot. And it's just like, what's happening? Like, I don't know. And- and I was thinking about, you know, like, what Andreas said about like, the- the- the working man. And I was thinking a lot about "The Thing", because I think there's kind of an interesting... Oh, "The Thing", yeah.


Like, there's like a parallel here, like, in the way"The Thing" ends. And we'll get into this, I think, maybe save this a little bit for later, but- but I definitely was like, okay, like, there's there's a similar vibe there with the two survivors at the end of both of those movies.


No, I- I felt that too. But- but- but yeah, the- Yeah, I get that. Yeah, I think you're right. Andreas about the- that dichotomy. But yeah, it's it's weirdly, like 'cause then, Carter, you know, has this has this immediate- he immediately gets out of the water and takes a huge dig at him. When they when everybody starts leaving, they're like, it's the end of the shift. But also they hate you", like, there was just a lot of that. Like, let's make it super clear how much we hate him. And I guess the reason, why, like, I think about- maybe because I'm an adult now and like I work in the nonprofit space. And so I know what it's like to have funders, and have funders come into your space and have to see it. And there is a little bit of like, eye rolling, but there's not the open- like these people are cutting your check, so you're not like taking like very obvious digs at them. In fact, that happened one time and my job and that was it was a whole It was a whole situation because somebody made a very offhand remark that was not nearly as direct as anybody in this movie. We had to have a powwow about it. So yeah, that was a little weird for me.


It's- It's still weird, though because the whole film I- I don't get it. I really don't. I try to and I rewatched it obviously but he's- he's nice to everyone he's charming to everyone. He's got a good head on his shoulders, like he's the one who, like,




Gets everyone to snap out of it. Like, "Yo, let's focu, let's do this", like he's kind of like, the badass of the ovie. And I think that's kind o why they had fun killing him ff. The directors did. But the e is something to be said. Right'Cause I looked it up these two the two writers are two- I thi k it's a brother sister duo from Alabama, so there's supe




And- and it's really- Yeah, that's my thing is like, I don't Southern. know necessarily what they're trying to say. I don't know. I don't know.


But I do think it's interesting that Sam like is in the role that is so- it's a weird- yeah it's a weird dichotomy 'cause you're right, like, it's like he's- he's super likable and he's super like, in- Okay, so I have to point out since we're on the topic of him getting all this Hey, I had to write this down because Stellan Skarsgard, Okay, so he- this dude is a prick. That's another one I didn't like hime either.


Also weird! Also very weird.


Very weird! He has this weird moment where within like two minutes he makes two like quippy corrections of Samuel L. Jackson. And it felt like that's a writer's thing. 'Cause like, there's the part where Samuel Jackson says- said, "What in God's name" or what- what- Whatever. And he's like, "Not God, us." And then two minutes later, Samuel L. Jackson says,"Well, I'll be damned" and he's like, "No, you saw what it's like not to be damned." And I'm just like, yo, like. Like, why?


Like, alright, like, y'all really- y'all really. Like


Yeah, that's so weird. I would've just had to call it out like call it out at someone like, "Alright, y'all really don't like me, then? Okay,'cause ya'll just, like taking every opportunity." I think is the director just don't like me or something.


Like, everybody in the movie hate me, but they don't


Right! really have a real reason to so the director gotta, like...


And then there's this weird fucking avalanche story that like, I'm like, this avalanche story.


It got dark.


Such a random, like, ass story.


All seven of us survived, but only five made it out. I'm like, Did you eat the other ones? Like what happened? Like, what's the fucking story? Because it never gets divulged.


I wanna see that- I wanna see that movie.




Oh, Samuel L. Jackson climbing up the mountian


The prequel!


He makes it out some type of way to go be on this shark thing.


That's a good prequel.




That's right before he launches into his motivational speech, right? Like, he's like,"Seven of us. We have to stop fighting." And I'm like, please stop standing near that fucking pool. Can we get away from the edge? Can we get away from the edge of that pool?


Carter even tells him that he's like, "Dude, you might wanna... You might wanna get away from that."


Just fucking move over. What are you doing?


I- I think the point of that was to kind of do a making fun of it, like a parody of


Yeah. Yeah.


Like, the whole, like,"This is the badass who survived this crazy thing that everyone knows about all over the world. But he he still loses against the shark."


Yeah, it's like undercutting. I think that's the point, but still, it was like kind of weird.


It's so weird.


And also, like,


That's the memorable moment though.


It is- it is, true. But i also is kind of, like, you'r right about the whole, like anyone who says anything ba about God dies. And the one gu whose name is Preacher survive at the end of the movie






I was like, wait a minute, this low key a Christian movie.


Wait a minute. Wait a minute.


I know. Yeah, it is.


Two Alabama Southern righters.


With this gigantic cross. The cross that like looks like it weighs like five pounds.


And that saves his life. Yeah! It Saved this life literally saved.






I mean, that's, that's, uh, yeah, that's scene- we got to talk about the iconic scene of Sam getting eaten by the shark. That's literally like, what everybody knows this movie for. There's many a people who have never seen this movie, but now that scene. And...




I feel like there's a couple of scenes like that in this movie. That kind of are just, you don't really expect that this is the first time you seeing him. Like, even when they bite off- his arm gets bitten off at the beginning. Like when they're just sitting. I just didn't see it-




And that's such a gruesome, like, scene.




'Cause he's just, like, bleeding, like all over this white floor.




And, which, like, intensifies it even more. And it's like, whoa, what is happening, right now?


Wait, I wrote it down. There's a part where they're like he's hemorrhaging and I'm like, well no fucking shit he's hemorrhaging. His fucking arm got bit off! How could he not be hemorrhaging?


Like, yeah. Kinda. Yeah, like a little bit.


Do you need to say that? Hemorrhaging? Oh, shit, really? His arm's gone.


That- that part is crazy, when Samuel Jackson gets eaten is- I mean what you kind of- they- they're clearly setting it up- they changed the camera angle like 50 times to signal that something is about to happen.


Yeah. Yeah.


But then also even when the girl- What is the other girl named? The blonde girl? What was her name? Jan? When she gets


Jan? eaten- which, I mean which again you also saw coming but the shark lifting her up and like it's like damn, man, like it's a couple moments in there where...




It really -hey go for it in this movie, which is why I liked this movie so much like I've never not liked this movie. Like, I saw it as a kid. And then I've seen it 75 times after that. And then I'm like, Yo, I don't know how you can not like


It's so fun this movie


It's so fun like I don't know how you can not like it.


This movie is crazy because like it's I'm totally in when the when the helicopter like the I'm watching this scene,


Stellan skarsgard just fucking banging around.


That's, that's what hit me. I think that's the point in the movie. Like I told you I was, you know, texting like this movie hit me in a weird way this time. And that was when it started was when the helicopter when he gets Stellan Skarsgaard gets pulled down. And then a helicopter gets dragged into the building. And that explosion goes on for like it felt like, like 20 minutes where like everything's just Blowing up and everything's falling down and I'm just like, Jesus, I forgot how epic this like movie was because in my head like, because because you only remember certain scenes. I'm like, Oh yeah, it's kind of like this claustrophobic, like, hallway sharks in hallways kind of thing which is there. But I forgot about the massive explosions and like, gruesome, crazy, you know, death and I, I was like, dang, this movie's kind of amazing. And it kind of is for for a movie made in '99. Like


It was pretty solid.


The effects hold up the underwater effects like when, when Thomas Jane is in that early scene, where he dodges the shark and then shoots it. And it's all underwater. Like, I was like, man, like, that's kind of like that was really, actually pretty amazing how they got that shot.


It is no, that was very cool


That's very believable underwater believability? Like, in a movie that, you know, What, over 20 years old?


It looks good even




Even the scene that scene that they were the shark actually throws him into the glass. I think that's actually I think, from "Jaws 3", I think? I think it's Jaws 3"


The, when they upe Stellan Skarsgard is a battering ram?


Yeah, it was like it's the same shot like in I cuz it's hilarious, actually. Cuz the obviously is in like 80 something. So it was like "Jaws 3D". And the shark, they're in a similar sort of setting where the shark is coming towards this large window. And it's not throwing hurling a body at them. But the shark is just sort of going directly at the glass. It looks completely horrible. Like in whatever 80 something that is, but it's the same shot and it like it here like what is I'm just thinking about that room. Like I've a fear, phobia of like open water. So this movie scares the shit out of me because open water sharks, I mean, sharks are already terrifying to begin with, like and then just thinking about like being in that much water and that room filling up. And like that, that scares me. And my other problem with that scene, though, is like how long they took to like, assess what is happening and


Ang get out of the room?


And get out of the room and get out the room. Like, you can see wat just, we all know what's about to happen. It's


What does he say? He's like Someone tell me someone like tell me what that is. And I'm like, don't, don't don't need to tell you what it is, like, just run!


Oh yeah! Forgot about that!


See, and I was giving them some leeway at that point. Like, okay, they're still trying to figure out like, what is that? Okay? The moment it like, his body Actually hits the glass, It's like, Okay, get the fuck


It's a shark! out the room why, why yall still in the room sitting there analyzing and assessing what's going on. They waited literally til the glass busted before they like got out of the room. Like


A chunk of glass. It looks like it weighs like 100 pounds. what are you doing? Like,come on


Yeah, right?


And you're like, they're still standing there. Like oh my god, I'm like, the glass is breaking! That's your cue to run!


The glass is breaking.


Why was it the first thing you tried to do to get out? Like, why was that? Why did you wait for anything to happen?


I wouldn't even I wouldn't even have witnessed that. I would have been on the other side of the building like, Man, I don't know if that glass ever broke. But, shit, I mean you know, we upstairs with Sam.


Gotta play it safe


There's a lot of people being cute in this movie. Like, so. Like, there's that there's the someone tell me what that is, it was like okay. Just ask the question. And then like, the scene when When, when, when everybody when people have died already. And Samuel L. Jackson is asking what's going on asking about the sharks. And Thomas Jane is being all like, well, I don't know what they're doing. And I'm like, dude, like, why are we talking like this still? Why are we being so cagey? Like,


There are so many weird dialogue beats in this movie, like, and I was I was trying to mark them. And I was like, What is that? Like, there's a moment where like, like, Michael Rapaport, you know, or are black adjacent white actor was, like, trying to explain to to Carter like, and this and that. And then you do this and then and he's like, Are you sure? And he's like, who you're gonna trust? And he's like you and I'm like, What is the point of that entire exchange? Like, Was there somebody? Like, what?


It was a weird callback. That's what it was because they had that exchange at the beginning, where he asked that question, and he doesn't answer them. And he's all like me, and it was a callback to that, but that that exchange is kind of weird too


Like, like, why in the first place? He's the engineer. Why wouldn't you trust him to tell you how the fucking building is laid out? Like why would you not trust him? Michael Rapaport,


He's amazing.


He really is.


I actually loved him in this movie. He's like, his reaction to the Sam Jackson death is just so like, appropriate. Like, he's the only one who's like, just like at that point done. He just curls up on the floor and is like yall wanna Come for us. That would probably be me in that situation. No lie. Like,


I agree. I saw his reaction. And I was like, Yeah, I mean, that's exactly how I would react. Totally spot on. Yeah, you can also see like, Who's whose death is coming to as far as like, as soon as you met the blonde lady. Literally as soon as she stuck out her hand. I was like She's dead. She's done for.


Yeah, Her name is Jan for Christ's sakes.




Yes, she's gonna die. Also, probably my favorite moment in the film, as much as everyone always remembers the Samuel Jackson beanie moment. I still like the LL Cool. J, you ate my bird. And you're like,


Oh, yeah yeah yeah


That's like you need a like a badass line and For some reason. You ate my bird did it for me. I was like, hell yeah!


And he throws the thing, like very far. Love it


Very far.


Because in the end, like the again another epic explosion and like that whole scene, actually, you know, what's crazy is that as over the top a lot of this. A lot of this is I was like, there were 10 I was kind of like feeling the tension. You know what I mean? Like, a like when he's in the oven. And the I was more I feel like I was more afraid in that moment that he was cuz like, he still made like a quip. He said something like,


He was talking to God


Daniel, yeah!


Right, he was like, the irony, cook dying in his own oven or something like that. Like he's, he's having a good old fucking time. And he's got like a hatchet or something. Right? Like, isn't he like, yeah,


I love it it's so it's like a die. He's kind of like a Bruce Willis Die Hard A John McClane kind of vibe to him. And I think that was intentional. You know? Like, like you said, I didn't know he didn't even know he directed a Die Hard movie because that that felt very Die Hard.


Yeah, for sure.


I like his speech too. During that scene where he's, he's like, I'm like, I'm like David versus Goliath. Goliath and he just keeps going. As if he's like, an actual biblical character in his brain.




Aw yeah!


He's like, when they write my story, this is what its gonna be like,


This is what it's gonna be


Which is kind of like an epic thing to think that that's how you would be in that situation, you would be like, Oh, this is my chance to be a badass Versus I would be like, Oh my god, I'm gonna get eaten


Like scogs




Curled up up on the floor




Just rocking yourself.


That's how I would be.


You know, it's interesting and I think like we were talking about well, I'll just I'll say this for a little bit later but like he is the the religion piece is there but there's also the alcohol and the random playboy that floats by that just is like Oh, he's not like it's also he's just like a dude he's like a you know, like he's like He's still, yeah, he's still a human


Yeah, but he slowly gives those things up to like So that also adds to it like the kind of tone of like,


You want to survive you can't be reading that stuff man.


Yeah, cuz he throws it like when he's like walking and he has the bottle and he like throws it on the ground like alright I'm


Cooking Sherry or whatever it is. Gross.


It's kind of funny how he took that as the sign because it's like there's no usually movies the signs are like very clear, you know, but he just took it as a sign because everything was going bad that it had to do with him drinking, but.


And where did that playboy come from? It just floats by.


Somebody had it.


Yeah, but that but that scene that oven scene for the record like that in a couple of a couple other scenes like that I think the ladder scene to those are really well staged set pieces like


Turns the gas on




If you really think about, I mean, Miles and I have dabbled in shooting some film and stuff and like it's hard to map out a set piece you know, like and like to have it be like somebody sat down and figured out like okay, you know, you have CGI involved you have a practical shark you have CGI version of this. You have this oven thing and I'm gonna have He uses the hatchet to go through the top the chef get in the oven the shark notices bust the oven he




You know as the shark enters so that he you know, like he made they make the scene the scene makes sense within the context of the movie. The most over the top thing is the throwing the match thing. The lighter thing but and the same with the ladder scene when the ladder falls and they're all like, they're like this, they're like, bait, you know, dangling from the ladder. just such a cool like, use of Human death.


I mean, even the like the that, whatever it is that shaft like that they're kind of climbing up at that moment. Like, I'm pretty sure like a lot of that is CGI or whatever it's especially like at the top. And I mean for 1999 like I'm telling you man, like a lot of the graphics like really hold up like


It's decent


Yeah, it looks it looks solid like in this movie. Also last thing I wanna say by LL Cool J is like, he like topped off everything with like the joy where he did like the cooking where he's like talking about like how to make an omelet.


The omelt!


And we're like, like yo this dude is killing this movie, man, like, he's like like this is, this is like the best part of the movie, easily


Wait, who was he talking to in that video. Is he talking to like a child? Like, who is he? Who is the video for is that?


I think he, I think he was just like, Listen, if I'm gonna die, then I'm gonna leave a video. And whoever knows me will know This is what I love.


'Cause he said


This is who I am is a chef, I love cooking. And whoever finds this will know that this guy was here and he loves food he loves cooking so the last.


He says something to, Like, about trying to be a good husband. Or like trying to he says something about like, I tried my best to be a good husband. And I don't, did he say father, like I don't I don't remember. But I was like is he is this forced Adreas? You're nodding your head help me out?


No, he did say those things. Yeah. For like, like, like Miles was saying he, whoever finds that,


Whoever finds it,


Make it just say like, Oh, this is who survived or this is who was here. And he just happened to be the chef. And he was, you know, trying to be a good guy. He ended up being a good chef




It was almost like a black box, like a black box situation because like nobody, a lot of other people kind of died without really having any last words or leaving anything behind. They just were killed. Like they didn't really get a chance or opportunity. So he's like, yo he really is the star of this movie. Like, like, like, you don't really like at the beginning it does. It seems like Thomas Jane's character is gonna be like, you know, the guy to save. Save us all. And I mean, in a roundabout way like he he is pretty capable. You know, the whole movie


Yeah he handles his business


He handles himself but LL Cool J is like, the savior of the movie, like, literally.


Right! And it's this this is a great contrast at the end you know, of like, like you have and I always think I don't know if you've ever heard the term competence porn, but it's like the idea that American Americans love the idea of somebody who's just like a badass who solves every problem. And so you have that element of like competence porn in the Thomas Jane character Carter, Carter Blake, I think is his name.


Carter Blake


But then Ella, Carter Blake


Such a cool name, Carter Blake


Carter Blake, but um, but fucking just LL Cool. J is over here with his parrot, like quipping and fucking hiding in ovens. And taking out a fucking shark by himself. Like as the cook in the kitchen. Like completely with his own storyline. I was right. Like, I was taking notes. And I was like, this motherfucker is still completely by himself. And it was already like an hour, seven minutes into the movie. Like he hasn't even seen anyone yet. And I just think that's a good fascinating story structure. Like it's almost like they made this whole other section of the movie to fit this character and and that, and I was like, I read that he was supposed to die and like and Saffron Burrows was supposed to live and audiences are like, no.




Oh my gosh, she lived.


Yeah, there's like a scene where it's like she and Carter are like making out or something after she gets blown up. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, good. Good call guys. Good call on that one.


That always stood out to me. It always stood out to me that she died. Like I don't know why, like your assumption is that she's gonna live right like she might even be the final girl. And it's two dudes that survived the movie


Yeah she and, like


And they purposely killer off in the most like ridiculous way they possibly can. Where she clearly could have just gotten in the water briefly put in some blood and then jumped quickly out but she's like, chillin. And when super far out instead of just stay like right next to the edge.


She went like 50 yards into the water, like what are you doing like just put your hand in the water a little bit and like.


With her yellow blood.


I would give it a shot like right like maybe just a couple drops and then just like run back. But she straight up went all the way out. And then she was shocked when the shark came at her. She was like what? And I was like why are you shocked? you literally went all the way out there I thought you were sacrificing yourself but


Yeah that's what it seemed like




It seemed he went out there to sacrifice herself and then she like


Changed her mind


Turned into, like, Will Farrell like, I immediately regret this decision


She really did. She was like Oh no, no I take it back.


I way just Playin!


Nevermind nevermind! I was just Playin. I'm just playin. Sike!


I mean, that's the thing. Like, Okay, I gotta go my mini rant about her like, she's okay. I guess it's true to her character.'Cause she is a stubborn character who, who leans into


She's a villain! her choices. And so like, She's the reason they're in the situation. Because she broke the law. The, you know The Harvard Compact


Yeah, you know about that compact, right, Tawny?




Okay. Tawny went to Harvard. So I assume that she just knows


But I feel like they always throw that word in when they want to make something sound smart.




Just throw that in there.


The Harvard Agreement. But But yeah, so so so she breaks she breaks that by experimenting on the sharks, making them super smart and dangerous. She then she then she then stops Carter from killing the shark.


Uh huh.


Leading to more problems. She all these people are dying because of her so throughout the movie. I'm just like, yep, don't care. Hope she dies. Hope you die. When she had her little hero moment. You know, it was like, oh, when she when she burnt up the stuff and was, you know, like, Oh, I'm releasing it now. I'm like, the Welcome to the rest of the movie. And then like, she goes.


Why's that shit in her fucking foot locker is my question. Like it's a fucking like high school locker and the fucking answer to Alzheimer's is being kept in her high school gym locker. Like, why is there not some sort of cold storage situation? Like, what's in there?


A little baggie.


In a Ziplock


No, I think Like the, the, and then she and then the end again, like Andreas said, like, she then makes this weird choice to, like, semi sacrifice herself. And I like the scene is kind of like, it's probably more. You know, people kind of point out the comedic element of the Sam Jackson death now because of how sudden it happens. But to me her death is funnier. Because Like, because of that, because of that, like, oh, and then she pulls it then it breaks. It's just like, oh, and like to see like, you see him jump in. And they totally it's the movie subverting us again, because it's like oh, he's gonna save her and she just gets eaten brutally. And, like, that's it. And I remember like, And then they get out of the water There's no one like no, she's never spoken of like that.


Well, I guess we're done now. Yeah, like


They have a nice laugh after they blow up the shark.




Yeah I mean that that is a good point though. Like like this is one of those movies that typically there would be like the final girl time the situation and it seems like it's gonna be her like when they're standing there and they're or they're having they have to fill up that room and it's just those three left and they're waiting them that scene gives me anxiety by the way like because again I just have that fear of water and we got to like float all the way up to the surface from down here. I'm dead I'm dead I'm not making this trip we're about to go on but like when they get up there, when it's just those three left, the first time, I'm like okay LL Cool J is dead. Like he's dead he's not going


He appears to be dead, yeah


He gets destroyed by the shark. I don't know how he survives that.


Right and there's so much fucking blood, like there's so much blood coming out of him! I wrote it, I was like what the fuck is happening? And then he's fine and he has just like a little tourniquet on like over one spot and his leg and I'm like this guy was gushing blood in the water.




And he says wait I wrote it down like there's a part where he says exactly this. Oh, I'm done. Brothers never make it out of situations like this not ever.


That was the movie being a very aware of what they were doing.


I mean there's a lot of leg wounds at the end like he gets Thomas Jane has the leg wound he has a leg wound, like.


There's another.


Everyone has just stabbed up legs at the end.


Where Thomas Jane's like my skin's hemorrhaging. I'm like, isn't that just called bleeding? Like what, there's no like.


That was weird. That was weird. Like tryna sound smart


I didn't know what he meant I was like what.


Cuz it's hemorrhaging. I'm like that's bleeding. That's what hemorrhaging is. Why do you need to say your skin is hemorrhaging?


I can't lie too, like, when he like at the end of the movie, I lost it when he backflips over the shark in the, like, underwater, he does like a backflip as soon as he's like flips over it and he catches its fin and I was like what? You cannot do that!


He's Aquaman


In my mind, i was like, is that possible 'cause like'cause if it is like I want to I would like I would imagine like everybody thinks they're gonna be like really cool in a situation.


I dont.


But if you tried to do that you just pretty much gonna get ate like you're gonna try to like, I was like, how can you move that well in the water like as a person like that's impossible


He was on some Aquaman


He's Aquaman


That's the most unrealistic part of this of the movie, the idea of swimming, swimming away from these super speedy super smart sharks. It's just not possible at least you have a shot if you're running against another creature, but not in the water like you're slow like, Michael Rapaport's character says it he's like no way. He immediately was like Like 10 times slower than a shark. There's no way Yeah, as someone who spent his whole life swimming around the water Yeah, you That is one thing that I took notice of in this film was like no you're done.


He was juking them sharks like oo oo like, it was like, Whoa, bro, you know?


That shark would've been like, the fuck you doin like


I go to the fucking beach. And I go up to my waist and I'm just getting kicked around by like the shitty like low waves


You start moving mega slow.


Yeah, you know how uncool you look in water like you can't, like. Nobody looks that cool in water Like to the ability to where they could do a flip under the water and like evade a shark Like,


A Mako shark


Like, No, you know, you don't know, when you get in the water like you said, especially like me. The water is waist high. I'm falling over and shit, like slipping, like no you don't look cool in the water, man, not here


At all


Yeah, that's the one thing that I think that's kind of why these directors and these screenwriters are obsessed with writing survivor films around the water because there's a ton of them and not just shark movies but just any movie that deals with like surviving around this water area with the sea the lake whatever it is, it's because it is so many different dynamics in there I mean, we just had a movie that came out this year I think was called Underwater. That's


Aw yeah


Like a survivor film


I just watched that Yeah.


But it's the idea of like the ocean the this area is so unexplored because it's so deep. And because it's so difficult to see in there because of everything that's covering it so




The the idea of you a human trying to survive in an environment like that is nearly impossible


You're so vulnerable like you're so completely vulnerable. And there's like there's a scene like the the scene where Carter and Scogs go to like do whatever the fuck and they're underwater and they're like talking to each other and like you can't see anything underwater. Like if you have you can't see anything. It's completely blurred like how are you gonna make out anyone's facial expression?


They were having a whole convo


Or like you can't you can't but it happens in movies all the time. And I can't see how can you see


My favorite part of that scene is is Carter going up to get air as as the shark just decides to circle around for some reason he doesn't go after him. And I'm like the shark's right there and he's just, like chilling circling waiting for Carter.


He's just like, nah I'm gonna take a little break


To come back and then he starts chasing him.


He's like, I just ate I'm gonna work this off.






Just gonna do a lap around the


Work off these calories yeah.


Well, we've we've kind of transitioned there. We've kind of gotten into it already. But I'm gonna officially transition us into the you good homie. Part of our show and can we just officially check in on our characters of color in this movie and how we think they did. But where are we at with these with these folks?


You know, Samuel L. Jackson's I think the fact that he I don't know like I feel like he dies okay, but it's such a spectacular bizarre death on so many levels and it's almost like it doesn't really count like he just died like they just offed him because he was expendable. It was like a statement to kill him in that way. So I'm gonna I'm gonna even feel like that's not even quite a loss for our for our homies


yeah that's that's a pretty like epic way to go out I mean foolishly though, because why the hell you standing that close to the edge


The edge


Just backup a little bit back up again. Stupid decision Why is it by going so far out in this movie. She went too far out when she swam out 35 yards into the water. Standing two inches at the edge of the, dude back.


After this guy just got his arm bit off.


Take 25 steps forward Okay, and then like give your speech while you doin it which I don't even know if that would have like even helped because the shark jumped a good like he jumped out the water pretty significantly like


I think they even tease it that in the beginning, right, where he asked how tall the gates are, and he's like, this guy can jump like the sharks can jump, like over eight feet in the air or something like that. And I was like, Damn, that's ridiculous. Yeah, it's I don't know, I'm kind of mixed on it, right? Because in a way, you could say Samuel L. Jackson's character, like, went out like a boss, flipping out the sharks as he was going down. But at the same time, they really, like, make it a point to show you how brutal His death was to the point of, like, that's kind of. That's kind of sus. Like why you gotta Why you gotta tell us he got destroyed that bad? Why can't you just tell us?


Yeah they, like, teamed up on him, didn't they?


Yeah, that was link. That was a little, that's a little extra.


What is he saying as he's dying? He goes first, we're gonna close off this pool and then the shark fucking eats him. That's exactly what he's saying. As he dies, we're gonna close off this pool. And like, get away from the pool.


And how is it gonna close off that pool? What was that? What? Like how? What in there was closing off the pool? Like, and if yall was gon close off the pool.


They had a pool cover.


Yeah, why didn't y'all just come in there and close off the pool as soon as y'all came in there, like. That ain't even a conversation, like.


Well no because they had to debate whether they were gonna use that. That was their initial.


Oh yeah yeah yeah you right


No 'cause they were gonna use the thing


Oh yeah 'cause the things they were gonna take up to the surface when they got.


Well 'cause they will once again as is the case in most of this movie, overestimate their speed in water. Because like, in that same scene, this idea they were, Samuel L. Jackson was very adamant about the idea that their only way out would be to out swim these sharks. And Michael Rapaport's like bro you crazy!


Well and then he goes You think water is fast, ice is fast, and like there is ice faster than water.


It's not.


That doesn't make any sense.


Well it's the same, like, what? I always laughed at that like when he said that is like, you think water is fast, you should see ice like, I don't see how ice will be faster than water. And it's the same thing. Water is ice motherfucker, like, it we, like what?.


It's literally frozen. It's gonna be slower.


Why would it be faster frozen, like, yo, cut it out, man, like.


Yeah it was funny too because like, I think what made it funny is that it was used as the sort of interrupting statement, you know, like, the character says a thing. It's kind of like, what was it in? I can't think of what it is. But you know, there's always the thing where a character says something that makes the whole room goes silent, and then they give their monologue. Right? And it was weird that that was the thing for him to say is like, water is fast, you know,


frozen waters faster. What?


Yeah, that was a weird, like.


Yeah depending on the circumstances, I guess, like.


Because in truth, but if but if we're being real guys, like if somebody said that you would stop and think like what?


To challenge them.


Yeah, but if it's Samuel L. Jackson, you would kind of give it a shot. You would give it a shot.


You're all mmm okay


Where's he going with this?


Because of his presence, like Alright, Imma let that slide because I don't know about that but alright. I ain't 100% on that, but, yeah alright continue.


I think as soon as you you see the movie though. The movie opens up, you know, with Samuel L. Jackson's character in the helicopter heading over there. I don't know about you guys. But I immediately was like, oh, somebody saw Jurassic Park decided to make Jurassic Park for sharks. The Raptors is the same as this as the dinosaurs to smart as the Raptors are.


There are, yeah


Move as fast as a cheetah sharks move in the water superfast. The isolated area, the isolated island. And that's the facility that's still not




You know, done. And then he's kind of the Dr. Hammond but he's like, you know, he dies at the end. And he's not a benevolent old white man.




He's like,


That's a good connection. I don't even think about that.


It's really it's Jurassic Park. I mean, you know, filled with this whole like experiments on animals and you're playing God and God is the only one who can decide what is God and, you know


It's a way less subtle Jurassic Park. It's like, Very in your face, like, like, This is bad. It almost reminds me of people always make people make fun of it. I still love it. But I get why people kind of tease it. It's that scene in the Dark Knight when Morgan Freeman Lucius sees all the sonar, and he's like this is wrong. And it's like, yeah, and like that's kind of what this movie is doing, it's like, letting you know. Don't mess with nature. It's wrong. And but but yes I mean Samuel is the it I never thought about the Jurassic Park parallel cuz yeah and then that Samuel L. Jackson dies in it just like in Jurassic Park.


Yeah one thing he was missing was the cigarette like sitting on the edge of his lip for the entire film.


Hold onto your butts.


But he did have a cigar I think in this at one point, didn't he? Wasn't he smoking a cigar in this I felt like at some point maybe not when they went down there but I felt like he was smoking a cigar like he almost had the whole get up of like Jurassic Park with the cigarette like hanging off his lip the whole movie.


But one of the themes of Jurassic Park is the idea like don't play God, right? So and the amount of times they mentioned God in this movie, and the amount of times they mentioned, like, experimented with the sharks, the sharks are smarter. Kind of like we're getting what we deserved. And then the two people who survived are the blue collar, not rich, not self absorbed, kind of just worker bees, who are in their world and don't really have nothing to do with like, the actual experimentations with the sharks


The decisions that led to this. It was just like, and he tells her like you used me, right, like, and he has he's a he has a criminal record. So we have like the the black chef and the white like ex con right or who are the survivors.


And that's that's kind of I mean, it ties into what you were I think you were alluding to earlier Tawny about the the parallel with The Thing,


The Thing Yeah, this sort of and that that's kind of who we're left with is just who's who's the most like macho


I mean this is like extremely biblical though with like, who is left at the end is like the most unsuspecting like people that you would think maybe is not so deserving are the ones that survive that like you said the ex


On the surface


You know the black guy the chef and the intelligent the the the intelligent people the the people that did all the


The educated people


The people that, yeah, oh yeah, the educated like well to do people are the people that are like, yeah, you get killed. And it's like, this is again another I guess biblical allegory where man thinks that because I have wealth because I have power God is going to favor me. I'm going to survive. I'm intelligent, all these other things. And the reality is is like no, I, you could be a peasant. And it doesn't matter like how much you have on this earth or how much you create on this earth. It is all about you know your soul or your heart or whatever the hell but that mean, that's what ends up happening is at the end is that it's like more Bible allegory. Like I'm on top, like, thrown on top. Ah, yeah, yes. I mean, like, why is this movie heavy? Like


There's a lot of biblical stuff in there.






it's the fate it's the faith, you know, like and Thomas Jane's not religious, but you know, he has that other you know, that other and our other person. So we talked about Sam Jackson, or other person of color, obviously, LL Cool. J does just fine, except for all the blood that he loses somehow and doesn't die. When he when he hits his fucking femur bit by a shark. I don't know how that femoral artery made it. But he didn't bleed out. And he's just lying there. And what does he tell her? He's like, you know, what's the devil and he's like, and he like passes out or whatever.




So it's like


And he has the head he has the head injury for like most of the movie where he hit his head.


That weird burn




Yeah, that's right. I think another thing too is Michael Rapaport's character. I don't know why this stood out to me is the only one who mentioned like, Hey, what about Preach? No one else.


Yeah! He was so forgotten about.


Yeah. He was like, wait there's still Preach.


It's 'cause he's Michael Rapaport. That's why any of the Preach could you zip me up they have a thing.


It feels very cute.


If not then Michael Rapaport would have been the only black person to survive at the end of the movie, like, he's trying to find his other you know counterpart


No, I loved it. Yeah, I mean, yeah, L survived. And just to put a button on that faith thing like in the first death was the character that was the most flippant towards God. Stellan Skarsgard who'd like got wrecked


Fucking wrecked three different times. Arm bit off, uses a battering ram fucking floating corpse in the water. That scares the shit out of Scoggins or whoever later, it's like he was, this guy


He almost gives it I would argue he gets it worse than Sam Jackson cuz




Arm bit off everything at least like Sam gets grabbed, he get's ripped apart.


He's still alive


Yeah he's still alive in the water like he get's, it's terrible.


He has a long breath control for the record 'cause he's down there for a while and he was still alive and he was hit that glass I was like, bro, just let it go just drown Like, just open your mouth, yeah just drown for sure Yeah.


Yeah, you guys know horror movies probably more than I do but that's always what stands out to me is like it's not who Which is why like it stood out to me, Stellan Skarsgard dies it's how they die. 'Cause if someone gets like brutally like murdered and tortured, it's usually like the smug businessman or like the smug dude or the quarterback or something like that. They make it a point to point out who cuz you know, everyone dies eventually but it's like the really a-hole type homies they et destroyed. character I was like my god this guy's getting tortured, let him die. Jesus, he just said one thing that's it he's kind of a dick it's not even that that crazy.


I mean, That's what and he wasn't even the worst


And he's apparently having a thing with Did you notice how like he made out or he kissed Jan




Yeah yeah


He's the most brilliant man in the world and then later and then they like the thing the thing with the brain cells happens and then they like totally kick like Mac on each other for a second




And I'm like oo what's going on or should that have been built out more like what's happening? Fucking Jan


That's the




I think the thing is like ultimately satisfying about this movie is like is in a lot of movies like this is where we get our kind of come upance into like, where we I mean, people we fuck up this planet so much constantly. We just do the most shit we could possibly do. And we never really did it's still doubt in people's minds because we haven't had our come upance into yet. Like, we still pollute everything. There's still people that are still sitting here saying like there's no global warming all that other stuff. And they have they can sit on that because nothing has happened yet because


To them personally


Yeah, exactly. Because in real life, the bad guys don't always get torn apart by the shark. They live they live until they're old and then they regret you know, all the shit that they did when they made sometimes they regret it. And they get away with it. Like Like, I mean not to get political but like Donald Trump, he's like Teflon Don, nothing sticks to this guy. He gets away with everything. So there's something satisfying about this on top of you know, the already allegorical stuff that they're doing but it's like yeah, this is what should happen in real life when you're a piece of shit but it doesn't all the time like you a lot of times you get they get away with the shit they get away with destroying the Earth and it's like yeah, you kind of root for the sharks in this stuff Except for LL Cool J like you know, like


Honestly, I don't even Yeah, for most like I don't really care that much for like I'm sad when fucking Michael Rapaport dies I think that's the only one that I was like, Oh, that's too bad, you know? But like, and I don't like those sharks. Like there's that that part where he's like, what do they want? Like they want the deep blue sea and that's the fucking name of the movie. But like the whole point is like they just don't want to be in there




they want to go fucking swim around in the ocean and that's the problem like that's the whole this is how we're still fucking up is like this all the sharks fucking want and just to go


Yeah, but at the same time that's that's the that's what they're trying to stop at the end of the movie. Because they're afraid like Yo, if this guy's let loose and he's gonna eat the planet like straight up like they gotta kill him.






'Cause it's the I mean it's the Jurassic World thing as far as like what happened in the last one.


What if they just let the shark go in the Sharks like right peace I'm out like what the fuck does that shark want to do with any of us like that shark if I were that shark Just go! Just go live i the ocean and eat buttloads of


He could rule the planet


See? But you know what I thought about that though is like it getting out like he's saying like what is the riddle or whatever it wants to be free. I think it's only doing what it's doing specifically to them because it wants to be free like it doesn't want to be tamed. So yeah, so theoretically if he let him if he gets out when he just go like go chill somewhere?


Fucking be a shark?


Yeah wouldn't he just post up and go be a shark, like




I don't know


There's this whole thing is like, makes he makes them flood the state like that's what they realize at the end is they're like this shark fucking hurted us here because it wanted to get this knocked the station out. So it could just go, like, what is the shark care about us?


I took it differently. I took it more as like this shark now has like a human mind. And now he has a human edge of like evil, where now he's like, you know what I'm saying? Like now he's so smart. That he's like I can I can play with these guys. I can get free once I'm free. I'm gonna like rule this planet. I'm gonna like wreck shop. I'm not gonna he's basically not a shark anymore because he's so smart. He's like another creature.


That's a good point though is because like with them doing what they did to the shark has essentially make it not because the shark is a shark if you get in the water, it could bite you. But this shark is doing some different like, Yeah Like, not you know, it's not a regular shark. So yeah, I mean, I mean, it's possible like maybe Yeah, this shark is not a shark anymore and it's more human than it is shark, which does make it dangerous because humans fuck everything up.


I think that's what they were hinting at is like, this is not a shark anymore.


Yo why is Deep Blue Sea trying to be like all deep and shit out here?


It's in the title, bro. It's in the title. It's deepest. It's bluest


Deeper and deepest.


But that's the thing, right? where it's like, if you were like, let's say this actually happened. Uh, you know, and and somebody said, like, there's a, you know, 50 foot shark that has the mind of like, Albert Einstein in the ocean. No one would ever step into the ocean ever again.






That was out there.


Fucking good.


Yeah, that's a good point. But at the same time, it's like


Get out!


It's kind of scary, cuz you're just like, there's a God in the ocean who eats people.


You're right, yeah. Leviathan.


Yeah, there's like, a Laviathan.


I really didn't hate the shark like, I really didn't hate the sharks. And like, I didn't feel and I maybe I was supposed to, but like, I didn't have it. Maybe that's just because me like, I'm a big weird.


I love the sharks. Like, I'm always pro nature. Yeah,


Yeah, they're well done. I mean, and I think it's well done. I really like like, again watching and I was like, it's very subtle. Like, you see the shark It looks like a shark. It doesn't look like a CGI fucking big puppet or something. Like it looks like a fucking shark. And like the way it moves, and it's bigger than it should be and all this other stuff. And obviously it's a movie but I was just like, they did not overdo the sharks, which I think is like a really important component of this movie. Because like, they really could have gone the route of like, making it like, like Anaconda, right? Like, doing shit that a shark would never do. Like getting up in your face with the CGI. And that just doesn't happen. And I think to me, like I don't even feel like the sharks are the villain. I feel like that lady is the villain and like she's the one that needs to die.


But it's crazy that they didn't recognize that in the first draft you know? Like if if they really had her living like man because she has an arc I guess she does but like yeah she she caused a lot of problems she's you know she maybe she was the Doctor Hammond in this situation?


That's a good point. She could have been Yeah.


She's kind of The Doctor Hammond. Maybe Sam Sam's the lawyer


The lawyer yeah


There to kind of shut it down


If you look back at all the Jurassic Park movies for some weird reason and they're still doing it now even though it's like a different director. There's always one scene where they like purposely like torture one homie in the first movie it's the lawyer in the second movie it's the guy who wanted at the very end who wanted to sell the


Oh yeah. The T-Rex


The Jurassic Park to San Diego


Oh, yeah yeah


Who gets like destroyed by the T rex


Yeah yeah yeah




And Jurassic Park three it happens to someone else it happens every movie yeah Jerassic World like they torture they torture like a bunch of people there you know


That lady though? The lady with the pterodactyls


That one still that one still that one got me a little bit


That was horrifying! Have y'all seen


Yeah. That one was a little mutch.


I was like why did they do that there cuz she didn't even really like deserve that at all.


That was the most like I actually was like, there's been tweets about it and stuff. But I was like, that's the most like bizarre, weird decision to torture an assistant lady


Weirdly cruel. Yeah.


I was


Assistant lady.


I was like, that's kind of a weird choice for sure


Yeah. Well,


what are we? What are we saying here with this?


The most recent one they torture the guy that's trying to sell it to. So yeah, it's weird. And I'm with you. I'm with you, Tawny on everything except for sharks. I'm sorry. I've always been afraid of sharks. So to me I see a shark and it's the villain automatically


Tawny has seen sharks today Tawny's hair was lik


Yep. My hair. a shark's


Yeah it is like a shark's fin. My hair is very sharp


I we kind of got all the way to the end without stating our rule specifically. So let's just state the rule out loud Tawny Can you can you break it down real quick for us?


I think what did we What did we say and that be earthy as fuck? Like be about God be about cooking and making omelets. Be about you know just be about like, be about Talking shit to the man, be about be about like teaching


Respecting nature your bird to insult you jus be fucking earthy and and Thom s Jane makes it for the same easons but just like a s ightly different version of thos which is like he's it's the com etence point he's just like a badass mac And the accepting of like when it's when he pulls out that crucifix you grab it, that's what he did




He fucking


He is doing the same thing is he's just not aware of it. Like LL Cool J is aware that he is someone who he believes in God and he openly believes in God. And maybe Thomas Jane's character doesn't overtly speak about religion or anything like that. But he's definitely a pro nature type of guy.




He's not really down.


Like attuned


Yeah, he doesn't really even seem like he's, he respects nature. He's not really down with the idea of them really


And he has that line where he's like, I never went to experimenting on all these, you should just stop doin it yeah. class, right?


Aw yeah


And he's like, LL tells him like you weren't the sunny kid in class because I never went to class. I'm like, Oh, he never went to class oh!


But yeah, he's like, he is doing that he is being one with nature essentially like, which allows him to do flips underwater successfully. So you know, he's definitely one with nature, because nobody else does that. like


Nobody else can


Yeah nobody else can. Like he so he even might be more one with nature than LL Cool J cuz he has the ability of flipping in water, you know,


He's more likely to turn into a shark than LL Cool J


I mean, his hat is like a shark's fin. Probably more than anybody just because of his ability to maneuver in water, you know what I'm saying? like so. song was about him.


Yeah, it's interesting, right? Because he is kinda like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World where he's


Yeah, yeah




He's the shark tamer in Jurassic and Chris Pratt's like


The wranglers he Raptor tamer it's always th se guys who are like on


Because they understand this stuff. Well, I think we did it we we broke down Deep Blue Sea. Now queue the queue, the slow beat dropping as it pans out.


Oh, LL Cool. J rapping about


Yeah LL Cool J rapping a verse. Yeah, that's when you know it's gonna end


Rapping about every single thing that happened in


That happens in the movie the movie


Ii need that! Look, I miss that in movies. I miss getting a whole song.


That was, like, a that was like an old 90s thing like, where soundtracks were like you whatever was on the soundtrack. You had to rap about specific things


The whole movie


That occurred in the movie like it wasn't just like nowadays just take songs that are already, you know.


Well, to be fair Eminem tried to do that with Venom a couple years ago, and it didn't quite




Oh that was terrible


Did he?


Yeah were he said Venom, like, 35 times


Yeah I though that was kinda weird.


Do you remember the Freddy Krueger one? The he was the same hat and sweater every single day. It was so stupid.


Wait, what the fuck?


There's like a Freddy Krueger rap at the end of one of those damn movies. I think it's like the


For real?


Yeah, I swear to God.


Now what did Freddy Krueger need a rap for? Like why would they have that? Ninja Turtles, the Ninja Rap


That made sense though, like that. That's that's the kind of


Vanilla Ice


Yeah, like in the context of the movie like I could buy that. I don't understand why Freddy Krueger needs like a jam


I'm gonna find the Freddy Krueger rap for you. on the soundtrack


A rap song You go tta send it well,


Sing it


I killed children and then died in a fire like whoa, whoa, now. So anyway. Yeah, this was fun. This was fun. I appreciate this choice, Ace.


Thanks, man, yeah


Yeah, thank you.


So Ace do what like let folks know where they can find you what, where to go from what piece.


Yeah, of course, you can find me at my YouTube channel@First Cut on YouTube. You could also follow me on social media@SquadLeaderRace on Twitter and Instagram so you can check us out there.


Alright, if you enjoyed this show, please comment. Like Share. We're on YouTube, Apple, Podcast, Stitcher, Spotify pretty much anywhere you can find podcasts we try to be and also please follow us on Instagram To Be X M Podcast. On Instagram. We got some great content, they're having some really good conversations about movies. And we will continue this series we are tackling all kinds of movies from the completely insane, like Deep Blue Sea to some real some real downers. Imma be honest, there's some real downers. But we had fun with it. Anyway, we are Two Blacks and a Mexican and we'll see you next time.