Survivor's Ed
Survivor's Ed
How to NOT die first in FROM DUSK TILL DAWN
From Dusk Till Dawn was directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino and man... this 1996 film looks exactly like something these guys would create. It's action-packed. It's gory. There's a foot in a mouth. It's all there. What's the rule for survival? How did our people of color do? Find out in our discussion! We are joined by our awesome guest, Mario of The Superiority Complex podcast, as we explore the wild world of Mexican vampires!
Part of the reason I picked this movie is because it's like a it's, you know, Latinos are finally in a horror movie. And of course, we're all the vampires
Tawny:Sucking the life out of the Americans.
Chris:Hello. Welcome to Survivor's Ed how to not die first in a horror movie. I'm Chris.
Tawny:I'm Tawny
Miles:I'm Miles
Chris:We are two Blacks in a Mexican here with an additional Mexican today. Mario, can you introduce yourself
Mario:What's up everybody! I'm here to even up the odds and make a lot of white people nervous. There's two blacks and two Mexicans coming together. I'm actually a fan. Tawny. I'm sorry for the mask. First of all, I got exposed to Corona. I'm okay so far, but I'm in the room that we're using, as my daughter's using for her classroom while she she studies at home. So I'm trying not to kind of contain myself to certain areas of the house and had to come down here because this is the best place to record. So I apologize for the Bane look, as Miles calls it. It's fun to be here. Tawny. Tawny was actually my co host for a couple of years, I run a podcast called the Superiority Complex. And Tawny is still talked about to this day as one of the well she was she was very important to a transition of my podcast being more of an interview format to more of like a pop culture thing. And Tawny was was very she was what's the word I'm looking for. Important to that.
Mario:Yes, thank you. transformational. I wore this in honor of of your good the bad, the ugly episode. Fantastic.
Chris:Tawny once again, coming to the rescue with an amazing introduction...
Miles:I was just thinking about that movie the other day because I saw Joe Biden on TV. I was like, Cllint.... coming out giving a speech and it made me think about that movie. He was squinted and shit and I was like yup, yup.
Chris:Accurate, accurate.
Mario:I was so happy you guys love that movie. That made me so
Chris:Which is a good segue because much like how the good happy. bad and the ugly very clearly influenced Quentin Tarantino,
Tawny:and also Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino very clearly influenced this movie. Today we're going to be talking about From Dusk Till Dawn, the 1996 film directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino, starring George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino and Juliet
Chris:A dude named sex machine. Yes, played by Tom Savini. This movie is amazing. And is I think we're gonna have a lot of fun talking about it. But the quick rundown is it starts off as sort of a high stakes kind of cat and mouse with, in a way, of these two guys who are bank robbers, killers. dangerous people,
Chris:They they encounter they encounter a family of three. Take that family hostage and travel across the border for an escape and are met with vampires
Miles:psychos... psychos,
Chris:Vampire... monsters, the movie suddenly becomes that halfway through... antics ensue. And we have our movie. So without any further ado, what is the situation in From Dusk Till Dawn?
Tawny:The situation is George Clooney's fucking neck tattoo for me? What's going on there? No.
Miles:By the end of the movie, like he's, like, takes off the vest. And I was like, That's such a lame ass tattoo. Like cuz. Maybe because it's George Clooney. And I was like, fam No, like you ain't never had in your life. Like it just was so wack clay. It was just, it's,
Chris:it's counter to his aesthetic. Yeah.
Miles:Bad ass
Tawny:you know, this is and we were talking about this in the text like Robert Rodriguez is fun as hell like he's just fucking throwing things together. We have like a preacher. RV driving with Juliette Lewis and this other kid and they're just like what's going on? And somehow it's like this joyous movie watching experience.
Miles:I was gonna say like it is, like you said, this is a fun as movie like it I like every time I watch it, I enjoy it. And then this time I like watched it like obviously more intently for this. And I just noticed stuff that I just never really paid attention to. Specifically like how, like we were saying last night like the first half is pretty much a Tarantino movie. Like, it's just like all Tarantino movie. And so they get to like the teddy twister. And then it just turns into like, Alright Tarantino like and then it just turns into a movie like, cuz even how everything is set up with the shop when they're doing the robbery, and then they cut and then go to the back and they're like, Okay, this is so talentino right now, like, it's unbelievable, but it's dope. It's like a good setup for like, everything like that, you know, to come in. Of course, he's a complete sleazebag of a character in this like. Why not? Right, like so. Yeah, to to live Yeah. But not super dope moving. I love this one. This is like we were talking about like vampire movies. And we were all like, this is kind of like, up there. I don't even know what like it's
Tawny:the sleeper it was the one I thought of last like
Miles:well, I The reason I wanted to recommend it when Tony asked me Do you have any movies you want to do is I love this movie because of what I don't like about it, because it never fully commits to being a horror movie. And never fully committed to being like this, this movie about these two criminals on the lam. It's kind of got one foot in both camps. But it's it's a lot of fun. And it's obviously Rodriguez obviously idolizes Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino, obviously idolize his feet, and so you can. But you also get once the gore starts, and I'm one of those guys that I like a horror movie once it, I want it to start and just go. And that's what it does. Once the gore starts, it doesn't stop that last 40 minutes of the movie is just, it's just a fun splatter fest. So that's why I like it.
Chris:I actually pause the movie at the moment that Salma Hayek transforms, and it is almost exactly at the halfway point of the movie. So literally, half of this movie is not is has nothing to do with vampire. Yeah. The other half is solely to do with vampire Yeah, it's like for it to be that precise. It had you know, that's intentional that's in the script that's in the design. That's that's Rodriguez interior and Tino and these guys have collaborated a lot throughout their careers, let each other direct scenes in each other's movies and doing like the Grindhouse thing where they each did a piece of this thing. And so it's very, you know, possible that they had this conversation. I wish I would have looked up more about the kind of backstory behind the creation of it. But I question like, did they sit down and tintina was like, had this idea for these guys on the run and this kind of disgusting, psychotic character, he ended up playing. And I was like, but I want to do like a vampire movie. A dude with a dick gun. They're just like... yeah, and they just made it together?
Miles:I have questions about the functionality of that game.
Chris:I care a little bit
Tawny:Whenever you want to frickin be like, I have a dick gun.
Miles:I was like, every time we use it, it was almost like a badass thing. But I was like, What? What controls that thing? Like, what? What makes it get hard?
Tawny:As the only person here without one, I would buy that?
Chris:Exactly. See? I don't care about the mechanics of it because
Miles:I say it's dope though. Like it's funny like, because it's like, that's so out there and just completely absurd to have. But you can't take that out of his movie like no, in
Tawny:His name is sex machine. Sex machine. Hi, I'm Kate like, their I'm sex machine. Just to name like, what? It's perfect. When I went to college, I met 75 people named Kate and I was like, What the fuck is Kate and then all of a sudden.
Miles:We're they all white?
Tawny:Yes. All of a sudden the Kate sex machine joke made sense on another level.
Miles:If you guys watch Desperado the that gun is in the case. In one of the like. So here it is the full fruition of that joke. So I mean don't tell me Rodriguez doesn't know how to work world build. You know what I mean? He's got like, you got some Chino stuff. And Tarantino I told you the Big Kahuna burgers and makes an appearance like right at the beginning and then like, I think the thing that makes this movie cool is like, as someone who knows nothing about this, if they were to go in and watch this, like this is a treat because well I kind of knew what the movie was about even before I even saw it because, I mean, they sell it as a vampire flick like they don't like really hide their hand but if you don't know anything about this, you go in and you're watching it. You're like, man, what's gonna happen to this family? These guys kidnapping them like what's gonna happen when they get across the border like you're not seeing any of this and then all of a sudden they go to this bar and then they start turning into like vampires.
Tawny:Danny Trejo shows up again, fresh off of Anaconda
Chris:he's doing a lot. This is where he went he went to go open up...
Miles:I told you he survived Anaconda, bro. Like he made his next stop he became vampire.
Tawny:So they sold vegan tacos at a at the titty twister. I love you know another thing I know. A note about the fucking neon in this movie. I know that sounds stupid. But like Benny's world of liquor like that neon there's something about what Rodriguez does that's so playful visually that I think like even if the script is 100% Tarantino like visually there's still a Robert Rodriguez movie like we have that that neon we have like the the graphics for the titty Twister that that bit like when they walk into that fucking bar. I'm a straight sis woman. And I'm like, I'm turned on right now by this scene. And it's just like, that's it's just it's Rodriguez is like complete playfulness. And I fuckin love it. Like as a person who loves movies. And that's what that's how like, that's, that's why Tarantino and Rodriguez feed off each other because they're both like Hi, like, just high on movies. Yeah,
Miles:it's the absurdity of it too. Like, even before they turn into vampires, that's a wild ass place. Like, like, without a vampire. Even there is like, Yo, this shit is crazy. Like what is happening?
Chris:Feels outside of it feels outside of reality already. And like, especially in comparison to where the movie had gone. That's up to that point. And I think that's what I was sort of looking for this time because I honestly, unlike you miles The first time I saw this movie, I caught it midstream. So I didn't know what I was watching.
Tawny:It must have been weird.
Chris:Yeah, it was weird. So like, I was probably like, 13 or something. And it was on, like HBO or something like that. And it was on already. And it was like, you know, George Clooney and Tarantino and all this weird stuff going, you know, Tarantino doing all his stuff. And, and then, you know, 13 year old me seeing you know, the Selma Hi, exene. I'm just like, I'm not changing.
Miles:Yeah, yeah.
Chris:Mario communicating here is
Miles:Tawny knows Selma's full name is my wife Selma Hayek. So that's Tawny is so amused right now, when I you know, sharing is caring.
Tawny:Mario's wife, Selma.
Chris:course Of course,
Mario:of course, she's my gift to the world.
Chris:When it plays out, I'm just like, you know, and then just totally kills the mood after that. But like, it's interesting, because as I watched it, this time, knowing what was coming. It's interesting how Tarantino's movie literally ends. And then Rodriguez is in that conversation they have at the table, and he's like, are you so stupid, you don't know that you've won. And sort of, there's this moment of release. That happens. And it's sort of like you could, if you're talking about a short film, you could end it there. And you'd be like, it would be a little unresolved thing in terms of who they're connecting with. But there's something about the character beat that makes you like, Ah, okay. And then vampires come. Like, in that transition is so like, I honestly, I'll be honest, rewatching it. I forgot how like the effects don't fully Hold up. I remember when I was a kid being like, it's all in my head. It was gonna be different when she does when the transformation I was I was like, Oh, okay. My really got me though, is the other transformation. Selma Hayek's was kind of a weird, but then when you look at these other characters, they like set up the way that those shots are framed, are so creepy, like, yeah. And I remember being like, Oh, that's what got me when I was a kid. I remember.
Miles:Even like George Clooney, like at that moment is where he transitions. His character kind of changes where he's been cool as fuck.
Tawny:He's all.. like, he makes this face, like, what? And it's just perfect. For sure.
Miles:He's been chill as fuck this whole time. Like, I mean, even though he's breaking the law, like it's the whole time and shit and like robbing people, he's been the sort of more reserved one that's like, I'm in control. And then the moment he gets there is when his way as soon as he shifts, the movie shifts, like he starts to kind of act out of, you know, character, how he's been this entire time where he's losing it because like, oh, why is he going, you know, so on edge all of a sudden, like, he's been playing it cool this whole time. At that moment is where the movie like entirely just shifts. And it's like, yeah, this is about to get crazy right now.
Tawny:But, you know, there's that look that he gives, like, there's a moment where like, somebody he thinks is dead, and they get up and he just he goes, like, he's like looking. And he's like, like, his eyes kind of open up. And it's just such a perfect little note of like, what the fuck? And it's perfect for that character. Because, yeah, like, he's tried to be in control the whole time. And now he's facing something. And what does he say? Like, he's like, I don't believe in vampires either. But like, I know, what I see my own. Like, I know what I see with my own eyes. And it's such a great moment, because like, there's always those stupid moments in horror movies. When people are like, yeah, that's not possible. And they just like, jump right over that in this movie. They're like, whatever fucking possible, like this is happening in real life. And I love it. That's how I feel about COVID.
Chris:It's, it's a nice bridging of the insanity and the realism in that the reactions. You know, I mean, obviously, like, they do still they shift in the vampire fighting mode way faster than I think I would. But like,
Miles:it was ready for that shit. Yeah, I was like, let's go chop been training.
Chris:But I guess the setting helps. Because right there, they're in this crazy, you know, bar full of the toughest guys ever. Beside there's a there's a little bit of setting that helps feed that but like, I think about the end when when she shows up in his third in his final form. He says he's so he's a and he's like on a
Tawny:on a psychos? psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them.
Chris:Like, no, dude, what are you talking about? It's such a good like, not it's not even meta commentary, I wouldn't say but there is something about putting him in the shoes of the viewer of being like no this is what's happening. Very akin to ice cube and Anaconda have no real raw reaction.
Miles:You know, you guys brought up some good points. And the reason that I love this movie is because Harvey can tell points it out. They allow their knowledge of pop culture to inform what they're gonna do. Because they have that whole conversation. We need wood. Does silver do anything?
Tawny:Does anybody have any silver?
Miles:So I love it. It's one of those movies like, you know, it's a thing like a trope and zombie movies, you never call them zombies, because the zombie moment exists in a world where nobody knows about zombies. Right? So this one was like, hey, these are vampires. What do we see in the movies? We've all seen the movies. Let's do it. We got a holy man. Bless the water. We need some wood. And Chris also pointed out the fact that it's a bar full of bikers lends itself to the idea that they'd be ready for a brawl. But also, how terrified would you be if you were in that bar and bikers just started dropping left and right, like I would put myself because that's the guys that right? Those are like alpha males. It's a bar full of alpha males and they just admitted not do so well.
Tawny:That's right. And they're getting taken down by like his I can't remember which one observes like that. These they're have soft bodies. They're like, womanly, they're not intimidating. Like, we thought they were our fucking victims. Like they're supposed to be at our mercy. And then all of a sudden, the fucking like girls with the big asses and boobs are just fucking eating people.
Miles:Which is a conflict for me because I was turned on by all of this just a moment ago. Like, even Selma Hayek when she changes I'm still like, maybe maybe. Yeah, probably.
Tawny:Is Yeah.
Mario:Yeah. It's a little it's a little flip on the on the sales pitch that Cheech is giving in his second form that... He's doing a sales pitch right. But now who's getting eaten? You know what I mean?
Miles:I do I do like the idea though Mario, you were saying we're like they have a vampire movie where because a lot of times in zombie movies they don't say. And then in zombie movies, they act like they never fucking seen most people come on man. It's like, the movie is shot in like 2020 or whatever, like it takes place in our current timeframe. You have to have known about this, like, you know, like, this world where this doesn't exist is ridiculous. Of course you gotta try to shoot him in the head first. Like, that's, that's cool. That one is try that. And here is like they address that. It's like, come on, man. We all know about vampires like and some of that shit gotta be true. So yeah, let's, let's, let's, let's get some of this off to see what works and you know, yeah,
Chris:it's cool. There's so many cool, like, nods to that, that culture to sort of talk about in a text exchange the pencil as a stake was so brilliant. Like, yeah, cuz you don't it's not it's not spoken. It just happens and it uses your head like Oh, okay. Yeah,
Tawny:it's so silly. It's so completely silly and funny and it's so great and I love that
Miles:sound like you took the major risk with like the holy water like with the squirt gun. I was like fam you brave is a motherfucker 'cause this was not battle tested at all like we see. I see what the stakes do we just say we know the stakes work and all this holy water, fam, throw some of that out there real quick and right now, he didn't he didn't have anything else either. He was like, Alright guys, squirt. Like there was all in all this crazy shit like knives and whatever the fuck that guy. Yeah, I don't even know what that is. But like, it was all personal stuff. Like Yeah, of course. He had like the squirt guns. I was like, bro, you might want to get a backup. Like, just in case. Just in case, cuz he just reverted back to priests a moment ago. I don't even know. What's the statute of limitations, but your ability to bless water?
Tawny:It might be 48 hours.
Miles:24 hours.
Mario:See, I mean, for me, I always thought that Catholic priest had to bless the water. I think he was like a Protestant minister. So that might not even count. You know what I mean?
Miles:I'm saying like, man, y'all y'all really, really believe in yourselves right now.
Mario:Okay. theology. There's a lot to unpack, you guys. We're talking about theology now. We're talking about all kinds of stuff. these are these are important issues.
Chris:All right. So before we transition, I have to note a couple things. performances. Harvey Keitel, like,
Miles:I love that dude.
Chris Paicely:I love that dude, man. It's just so cool. Because he just he plays both elements of this character really well of like, the beginning, like the kindly grandpa type, which, to me is more of a stretch for him than what he shows himself to be as the movie progresses and sort of he transitions into a tough guy. You know, returning to God situation. Yeah. And I just bought it like I was I was in for his performance. And I actually thought Clooney was was actually really good. Which, which is a little bit surprising in my head, because I always forget that he can play that, that well. He's played it in other movies, but like, most of the things that I think of when I think of Clooney, I think I think of his real life personality too much in that he's just, you know, he's like, the, to me the definitive movie star type. He's got an old timey movie star vibe to him in real life that you know, million dollar smile type of thing. And so for him to play this kind of character, especially that first half. And to be believable I don't know I just I just
Tawny:Absolutely... really yeah.
Miles:The white Denzel Washington and shit. I don't expect anything negative, he's just like a nice guy and shit.
Tawny:No, he's great. And I had brought up like, I think Juliette Lewis is completely under appreciated like she's so she's completely that like, teenage girl who's like Dad, have you thought about calling the church again? You know, and then she's fucking like, Okay, well, does anybody have any silver then who cares. You know she's like, she goes totally practical. She's I mean, she's not you know, she has her like when they both of the kids can have a hard time when cartel terms. She does have a hard time taking them out but like she fuckin shows up like this and she's wearing her little like teenage girl and jeans and a T shirt, and I fucking love that whole thing. Like she's, she's awesome. Yeah,
Miles:I'mma actually give Tarantino some flowers here because I actually think a lot of times like when he's in the movie I'm like, nope, see, you know, you had to go there. Actually, his character is so disgusting and just filthy and he plays it good. Like, it works like what she does it most of the time, like he always plays like a smarmy ass motherfucker.
Chris:Rodriguez was probably like, yo know what, you should play this guy? Tarantino's like... You sure? Okay.
Miles:But I think it is actually like, his character is is unsettling like he like he's unpredictable. Like I don't know what he's going to do. And they give these characters some that is not super fleshed out, but they give us enough like, where he hears things that aren't there, and there's something wrong with him. And we don't really get a whole lot. You know, more to that. But it's an interesting, you know, characteristic about that character. And even like, Harvey Keitel his character, like just his backstory, we don't get super deep into it, but they give enough of it to us was like them this is without the vampires these are like interesting characters. Like there's stuff behind these characters that you want to know more about, but you're not gonna know more about them. Which I think is dope. Yeah, one of that scene in the beginning when they're in the in the convenience store. Like really shows you that Clooney loves his brother and trust his brother, because he knows he's obviously lying to him. But he's also giving him the benefit of the doubt. He allows the words helped me. He doesn't want to believe him. You can see there's like a conflict. He doesn't really truly believe him. But he's he's brother. So he wants to believe him. So he's just gonna let it go. And you know, it's weirdly touching. Yeah, it is. And don't worry, guys, we'll see that guy again. In in Kill Bill. So he's fine.
Tawny:I forget that actor's...
Tawny:Benny who's fucking losing his. He's like "I never said 'help me!'"
Chris:He is the toucghest convenience store manager ever like he when he get when they light him on fire. And he stands up and starts shooting. I'm like, Jesus. Like... how did this... How did he even end up in this situation? I feel like...
Miles:and thats at the beginning of the movie mind you. Like the opening scene.
Chris:That was epic.
Chris:Okay, well, so I think it's time for us to check in on our people. We like to call "You good, homie? And we want to just take a look at our people of color in this movie, of which there are many.
Tawny:doesn't go so well.
Chris:But how did they do?
Tawny:I think can we get Mario... Do you want to go first here?
Mario:I can. Part of the reason I picked this movie is because it's like hey... it's you know, Latinos are finally in a horror movie. And of course, we're all the vampires
Tawny:Just sucking the life out of the American.
Miles:Red blooded hardworking Americans know plenty and I talked about this with good, the bad and the ugly. It's like Mexicans embraced he why Eli Wallach character because we're just so happy to be represented. Even if it's in New York Jewish actor who's representing us. It's like, hey, so like, it's like Salma Hayek's a vampire. But she's also like, the that's the if you ask any. Anybody about the movie? You say? Have you ever seen from dusk till dawn? The first thing you say is Salma Hayek snake dance. Yep. Good, Lord.
Mario:So I mean, it's cool, because we're winning technically for most of the movie. So that's kinda nice.
Miles:I like the optimism here where it's flipping like, you know what, this is a positive like, yo, we took over and yeah.
Tawny:we fucking stole all kinds of shit from people
Miles:if you think about it, this is basically the Alamo just with vampires. And and somehow they got away and live to fight another day. But no, I think it's kind of I don't really see it as a negative because vampires don't exist, right. And in every movie, it's funny that even Rodriguez can't get away from the like, unshaved grubby looking like? It's Like, except for the border patrol agent most of Cheech's characters like the guy outside the bar. I'm like, these fall they fall into some tropes, but somehow it's not offensive to me. It's I don't know, for some reason, for some reason the movie is just so much fun and it's so light that I just I can't bother to be that's a that's a victory though. Like and the baddest offended and go along. I mean, there's no good Mexican guys unless you count criminal is a criminal anyway, right? He's obviously some kind of going out there kind of combo fix it, man fixer guy. I don't know what he's doing. But I don't know. I I guess we don't do well, but at the same time, you know, we show up. So I guess. You know, there's a lot of there's a lot of vowels and Z's in the credits. That's all I'm excited. woman in the movie. Like, oh, yeah, this is come on, man.
Mario:Yeah, I mean, I'm serious.
Chris:Yeah, that kind of moments are tied to the characters of color. Which is was pretty dope. Yeah, I mean, I just to build on that. I mean, there's a, there's something like celebratory of the idea that that there's power in that moment, like, especially like with, with Salma Hayek, when she's just like, you know, taunting him. And there's, there's those moments that really give it weight the the characters are in genuine peril. And it's all Brown people. So I guess there's that. Fred Williamson. Um...
Miles:I always laugh at that part where he's like, randomly, like, goes into like this story... "I was in 'Nam... and there was ten of 'em around me," and he's like, doing all these movements, and they're just standing there listening to it. I'm like, What the fuck is happening right now?
Chris:He's hilariously transforming into a monster.
Miles:But why are they not like doing like, like, "Listen, this story is cool, my man, I feel you. You was in 'Nam. But it is still vampires existing and we kind of need to formulate a plan." They're all just like sitting there listening to this bedtime story.
Tawny:He's going like and like doing all these...
Miles:He's doing all these movements that wouldn't be fluid movements in a fight either. Like they don't even look like successful moves. That dude is funny, cuz he looks like my homie from high school. His pops exactly like him, but he's got the mustache. He's buff. He's like, six feet tall. He looks exactly like
Chris:thick neck. Yep. Yeah.
Tawny:Just like a tree trunk neck. Like, no, there's no indentation whatsoever.
Chris:Yeah. He's like a man like a MAN. And like that. So you know, his character makes it pretty far. He gets a surprise kill. And that's it for the record, just the sidebar. Like the choice to make Tom Savini. He's like transformation and that whole kill moment hilarious was interesting. Like, instead of making it like scary, he's just like, just like a cartoon. Like he's just like, whoop. Oh. Oh! And then the hands come over the shoulders. It's just when I look back I'm like, like, it's it's so intentionally, like, cartoonish and comical. Yeah, it's like, I'm most when we talked about doing this movie. I was like, doesn't even count as a horror movie.
Tawny:It's in the splatter category.
Miles:I got a question. I got a question though. About Tom Savini's transformation. Did he turn into a rat? What the fuck that he turned into? You got it twisted. We ain't rats. Where do you get off being a rat? He just turned a splinter, like randomly.I was like hold on, family. You was a motherfucker you was a bat just a second ago. Okay. You was a vampire. You ain't a rat you? Yeah,he got mixed up. But I was like, Wait, what?
Chris:I like how you're frustrated with it.
Miles:I just remember him turning and I was confused. I got confused at that. I also got confused when the brother was like, he's getting eaten. And you know, she's like, having a difficult moment having to shoot her brother. And then she shoots him and then he explodes. I was like, come on, bro. Oh, you was still human, bro. Like... Why did you just explode... Oh, all right. Cool
Tawny:It doesn't matter. .
Miles:Yeah... He was still human. I was like alright, ok, I guess that's where we goin'.
Chris:There are a lot of good things. explosions in this movie. I mean if we're being real.
Miles:I mean, but they was like you killing the vampires. I was like, Okay, yeah, but she shot a human and he blew up. I was like, ah ok, the rules is off the table, bro.
Mario:Didn't they notch crosses into the bullets? And so since he was already turning,
Miles:Oh, is that what it was?
Mario:I think he's notching crosses into the... yeah I think that's what he was doing.
Chris:Demerit removed.
Mario:I'm just trying to help out the white people.
Miles:He changed fast. Harvey Keitel took a minute to turn. He was bitten and was like "yeah, I'm bit But listen, we got" Hold up hold on What you mean you bit? You need to go back outside.
Chris:Can we just camp out on you being bit right now and talk about that?
Miles:Talk about that for a second.
Chris:It's a mix. It's a mix. We talk about whether we're good. Yeah. It's like, it's like if you flip the whole story, and you were to pretend that the vampires were the protagonists, then they lasted pretty long. It's like a Thanos situation that Oh, you look at him as a protagonist in the story, you know? So I think you know, we do it the way you will. But we did have at least one character of color survive to the to the end. In a way. Tawny, what's our rule for this episode?
Tawny:In order to up your chances of making it, make sure your cast is three entirely different characters that have nothing to do with each other?
Chris:Weirdly specific role, but please explain.
Tawny:This is Cheech as the border patrol agent who I think survives. And then we got "come on in pussy lovers" dude, which is one of the greatest monologues in all of cinema history
Chris:It goes on for so long.
Tawny:Watch it google it, pussy lovers monologue. And then we got whatever the fuck His name is at the end? I don't know. But he's like the drug lord or like the sort of crime.
Tawny:Is that what it is? Carlos? Just Carlos
Mario:"Carlos is gonna meet us." Yeah.
Tawny:And he and he and he makes it and that's about it. In terms of in terms of brown people surviving.
Chris:So I call that that the he Eddie Murphy'd. Which, which basically means that you play at least three characters. And Eddie Murphying... got him through? Sorta.
Mario:Chris just opened up my mind to a whole new thing. You know, this movie just goes to show you that even as powerful creatures as vampires, we're still gonna get overrun by by the gringos. They still. Even as vampires. We can't take back. what's ours. Like, you know what I mean? Wow, I'm impressed. I'll see you guys.
Miles:And they didn't even have a whole army of them either. It was only like a couple of them. Like we got like three people.
Mario:It was a teenage girl and a criminal.
Chris:And it's interesting. I mean, in delve in diving back a little bit on the people of color. The thing that even Scott, who should have survived... I mean, in my head, it's like, he's an innocent kid. He's Of course he's gonna survive. He gets torn apart and exploded. And it's just like,
Tawny:oh, and they're eating him. And he's all uuugh!
Chris:like, literally even in the family. There's one person of color and he gets obliterated.
Mario:He gets it worse than anybody
Miles:They almost punished him like, and he blew up, and they blew his ass up at the end.
Chris:Robert Rodriguez has a thing with that. Like he'll he'll put in like a really weirdly dark and tragic child death into his movies. If you have seen Planet Terror, there is a very troubling scene involving a mom leaving a gun with her kid. And instead of the movie thing happening where the kid has a hero moment because you know, that's what happens in movies. The kid accidentally shoots himself in the head and dies. It was just like...
Tawny:I can't believe I forgot about that. You're totally right. His name's Tony too, isn't his name like Tony.
Chris:He's played by Robert Rodriguez's son. Which is weirder.
Miles:Get some therapy in your life, bro.. like shit.
Chris:What is it with you like?
Tawny:You're working through some shit clearly.
Chris:But it's like the rest of your whole thing is complete fantasy that you have this weirdly dark. Well, that's what would happen. And that's what this thing is like, what would happen if he gave a kid a gun. It's like Well, yeah, but like we're in a world of vampires and monsters come on, dude!
Mario:Chris just made me think of something interesting. The kid the brother is wearing a shirt that says assault... precinct 13, which is... Which is a which is a nod to assault on precinct 13 in which a child dies tragically. Oh, yeah. Remember, the little girl goes to buy ice cream and then that that almost got the movie an X rating? Because the guy just shoots her.
Miles:Yeah, okay. Okay with that. Yes.
Chris:Feels really, really intentional. He's like, you're gonna be our disturbing child death. Put this shirt on. It's like, weird.
Miles:And his character is not like given much to do really up into that point. Like, he's not really I mean, they definitely I mean, Juliette Lewis' character doesn't have a ton to do. But they definitely like utilize her more than they Yeah, they use the the brother. He's just kind of like, he's just
Chris:like, and to be honest, like, I his performance stuck out like a sore sore thumb to me. Like in the movie. I'm just like, Yeah, he's not. To me, that was like, You didn't put much into the casting of it. You just go get a kid. You're the kid, do the thing. Because he's just awkwardly delivering lines until he dies. But, uh, yeah... So what else we got here? We I think we've covered quite a bit, but I don't think we I don't think we spend enough time on Danny Trejo. Yeah. I mean, that whole scene. I love the intro scene when they walk in and he's like, ready to throw him out and
Tawny:Welcome to the Titty Twister.
Chris:Whole like the whole "I'm a truck driver" thing. He just his whole his whole demeanor shifts. He's just like, "Oh, yeah. Hey, guys. Hey, how's it going?" I kind of enjoyed that. I was like, Alright, Danny Trejo got some range.
Miles:I'm pretty much pretty much like Danny Trejo in anything like, I see him in
Tawny:He's a weirdly warm, comforting presence.
Miles:He's so lovable for some reason.
Chris:Yeah, it shouldn't be but he is. Yeah,
Tawny:What is it about that guy,
Chris:as I say, he's like your uncle, who happens to be like a biker. You know what I mean? It's like, Yeah, well, yeah, I'm sure you could rip somebody's head off. But you won't rip my head off. You know, like
Miles:Your uncle that just got out of jail that like kills people. Like, he's not gonna kill me though.
Mario:He's cool now because he found Jesus in prison.
Miles:And he's he's gonna shoot straight. Yeah.
Mario:I actually, I actually ran into Danny Trejo at Tawny, what's the name of the Tawny what's the name of the restaurant over... Oh, The Pantry over by the by by Staples Center. It's open 24 hours. I used to. I used to work with a guy who was from Ohio. And our job would on occasion take us into downtown LA. And he would always be nervous about it. And I was like, No, it's fine work. downtown's fine, it's no big deal. And we were there late one night and I said let's go to the Pantry, open 24 hours. So we go in there we're sitting down and my friend from Ohio, this guy's nervous. He's looking around looking over nothing's gonna happen to you man. And out of the bathroom comes Danny Trejo and my friends back is to him and he comes walking by and I was like, Oh my God. That's a you know, this is right off. He's still got the Desperado heat on him, right.
Miles:Did he have a shirt off?
Mario:He did have a button down shirt open like
Miles:yeah, we go.
Mario:He... we locked eyes and he makes a beeline towards me. And I'm like, Oh my God, I've upset Danny Trejo somehow... this is how I die. Danny Trejo murders me.
Chris:that's pretty, pretty good way to go. I guess.
Mario:His face lights up. He gives me the biggest smile comes up. He's like, Hey, how you doing man? How's it going? Obviously he thinks I'm something someone else. But I'm not going to correct Danny Trejo. I play along, like "Ah yeah I'm good!" The whole time I'm like sweating bullets Hey, I gotta go. I got a meeting. I gotta go. I gotta meet somebody but it's good to see you, bro. I was I like yeah good to see you too. And he walks away. And then my friend looks at me He goes, you know him because obviously he recognized Danny Trejo and I'm like yeah bro we're Mexican, we all know each other.
Miles:secret society
Mario:That is my Danny, he could not have been... like he thought I was comeone else but I played along and I always wondered what happened when he saw that guy and he's like, Hey, I saw you at the pantry. That guy's like what what are you talking about? Yeah,
Miles:that's amazing. Are you following the rule because you're being you're being multiple people see you Why are you here right now?
Mario:All those movies. All that pop culture comes in handy.
Chris:I mean, on that note, be multiple people. That's our rule.
Miles:Do the opposite of what they tell you in life which is be yourself. don't don't be yourself. Don't do that shit. Don't love yourself. Be other people. Be more than yourself.
Chris:have have various mustaches.
Tawny:And levels of hair.
Miles:levels of hair levels.
Mario:None of which look good at all. Make sure it doesn't look good. Yeah.
Chris:All right. So this was it. Survivors Ed, how to not die first in a horror movie. You can find us on Spotify, YouTube, wherever you're listening to us. We're also somewhere else. Please be sure to comment if you're watching this on YouTube. Be sure to review if you're listening on Apple podcasts. Share this with anybody you think would be interested in listening to our crazy conversations and tune in as we dive into more movies. Some of the stuff on our list I'm so excited to dive into. I won't I won't sneak preview any of it because I don't know when this is gonna air so I'll just leave it leave it like that. But please yeah, share the show. Tune in and we'll see you next time.